Planet earth on a green background.
Leading Sustainability

Our Social and Environmental Responsibility

Supporting green energy infrastructure and sustainable supply chains through intelligent manufacturing.

Promoting Sustainable Development for a Better Future

我们拥有遍布 16 个国家的 20,000 名员工,我们齐心协力,致力于将能源与智能技术连接起来。作为

Our Sustainability Solutions

Driving Global Electrification Process


Boosting PV Production Facilities


Exploring Clean Hydrogen



Encouraging Energy Storage and Peak Shaving


Our Sustainability Initiatives

We adhere to the ethos of clean and sustainable development, integrating it into all facets of our operations, including manufacturing, research and development, procurement, production, and service provision. We have established comprehensive environmental management procedures and implemented measures to mitigate water, gas, and noise pollution. Our commitment to environmental responsibility is evidenced by our ISO 14001 certification, which we uphold through annual reviews aimed at elevating our standards.
We fully comply with labor laws and regulations, prioritizing the rights and well-being of our employees. Recognizing talent as our paramount asset and the primary catalyst for our company's growth, we are committed to nurturing it. Our investment in employee development is evident through the creation of two distinct career advancement tracks: the professional pathway and the management track.
We prioritize safety in our operations, strictly adhering to all pertinent safety production laws and adopting a 'safety first' approach. Our commitment to safety is further evidenced by our ISO 45001 certification in safety management systems. Additionally, we comply with occupational disease prevention and control laws, holding ISO 45001 certification in health management systems.
We prioritize the establishment of a responsible supply chain through comprehensive sustainability training for our suppliers. Collaborating closely with them, we guarantee that our products and services align with sustainable development standards. To uphold environmental integrity, we mandate all chemical, material, and parts suppliers to furnish test reports on potentially harmful substances and sign environmental protection agreements as deemed necessary.
We value 'integrity and commitment' and integrate them into our core values. All staff members shall observe laws and regulations concerning operations, environment, safety, quality, and finance.
We are deeply committed to social welfare initiatives. Our efforts include fundraising to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and support for victims of floods in Henan province. In 2018, we established the Love Fund to aid employees facing financial hardships due to disability, illness, or loss. Annually, we allocate 50,000 yuan to this fund. These endeavors reflect our company's dedication to fostering a harmonious society through meaningful public service endeavors.

Our Sustainability Commitments


Honors and Recognition

2022 Forbes China’s Top 50 Innovative Companies

2022 Forbes China’s Most Innovative Companies List

Forbes China's Sustainable Industrial Enterprises in 2022

2023 ATL Excellent Supplier

2022 China Industry Awards Commendation Award

World-class machinery company in 2023

LONGi Green Energy 2021 Strategic Partner

2023 Yiwei Lithium Energy Excellence Quality Award

National technological innovation demonstration enterprise in January 2024

Excellent Enterprise in Jiangsu Province in 2023

Download Our Latest Sustainability Report

Close-up of children holding a planet at the beach

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